Mapping the Degrowth Movement

A new map is growing. A #degwoth-Map. Together with the global degrowth-movement we joint the coalition for the Global Degrowth Day (GDD) at the 6th of June. Till then we want to know all Initiatives with a post growth philosophy and make them visible on the map.

Degrowth-Mapathon started

Today, 7th May, we started with a Webinar to get to know each other and collect all entries. Here is the protocoll (please click on the picture):

Outcomes and next steps:

  • We explained, how the map is working and what Hashtags are important to map degrwoth worldwied.
  • We tried to find a responsible host for each reagion. Updates about the mapping process in each country and where we still look for regional coordinators, are shared here:
    • If you can support the mapathon in your region, country or continent, please write a mail to
    • We will send you a list of Initiatives, you can check and map, and/or you can just check thos we have allready on the map and add all new ones you know about.
  • We want to finish mapping till the 25th of May, so that there is still some time till the Global Degrowth Day:
  • In the press article about the GDD the map should be mentioned and published! As many blogger and webpages should spread the map, here is how it works:

Degrowth Map

Große Karte öffnen

How to place your initiative on the map

  • Check if your entry is already mapped.
    • – If yes, press the little pencil at the top to edit the entry and add more information.
    • – If not, click the button “+ Add new entry”.
  • Add all contact details and description.
    • – Always use the hashtag #degrowth
      • If you are an individual interested in building a new group, please just map your group as if it would exist, but use additionally the tag “startinggroup”
    • – Add one or more from these tags: research, activism, practice, oppositional activism, arts, politics.
    • – Add any other suitable hashtags that fit to your organisation.
  • Make sure the entry is correct and accept the open source licence, then click save.