Become a regional Pilot

Become a regional Pilot

Show your region from its best side. Become a regional pilot of tomorrow and map and network your city. Here’s how to do it in 5 steps. What are Regionalpilots? “Regional pilots” (#Regpis) are all our local partner projects and initiatives that use...


The Map of Tomorrow is used in many countries! Please help to Translate it: Stand der Übersetzung: Translations are really easy to do. Everybody can help without any technical knowledge!
Become a regional Pilot

Download and Import of Data

For the creation of paper maps, but also for many other occasions, the data of the map is needed in other formats and applications, for which we offer a csv export. For spam protection reasons and to avoid overloading our server, however, not everyone can do this, but...
Become a regional Pilot

Civil Society Energy 2021

We started mapping energy cooperatives and civil society energy initiatives and fournd 45 intresting examples so far. But 41 of them are in Germany. We found only three in Ukraine and none in Poland. Visit the map here Große Karte öffnen You are invited to add more...