Press and materials

We are, of course, very happy when we are publicly reported. They are therefore happy to use the following materials for your reporting.


Interview 2019 by Pioneers of Education with Helmut Wolman about project history and mapping.



  • Debate on the City of Tomorrow (Mannheim Morning, Oct. 2018): Forum Student Initiative looks for ideas for the future: What does Mannheim look like in 2030? The student transition town initiative asks itself just that question. Transiton-Town means "city in change" in this case – and the self-organized movement has a clear vision for it, she shares: "Greener, more human and more transparent." Those responsible for the debate on this topic invite those responsible to the public forum tomorrow, Saturday, 20. October, from 3pm in the castle. Continue reading…
  • Map of tomorrow – versatile map of future-oriented initiatives and companies: (Greennetproject, Sept. 2018) Anyone who lives in a city and wants to gain an overview of sustainable business and eco-social initiatives will find information with a little luck On the Internet. Perhaps a regional initiative has programmed its own online map, which I hope is still up-to-date. The solution of the map of tomorrow wants to be far more sustainable – its motto: "All the best on one map," because it can be used throughout Germany and across organisations. Continue reading …
  •   Continue reading …
  • The map of tomorrow: Mapping for a human future: (Reset-Digital for Good, June 2016) The map of tomorrow shows initiatives and companies that have a positive impact on the world. 
  • Project "of Tomorrow": Helps make our cities happier (Think Big, Dec. 2015) Bliss, health, sustainability – all over the world, there are the same values that people orient themselves by. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to adhere to these values.  The answer laid the foundation for a very special project. Continue reading …
Graphic on tomorrow's map by Wandel artist Peter Hartmann (

Project history

  • Ideas ³ e.V.  The map is used to educate sustainable development.
Helmut Wolma
n Board Ideas ³ e.V.
Florian JostockC
onsulting Software Development
  • End of 2013: Researching and contacting existing mapping initiatives and platforms.    
Thao Tran
Content & Communication
Lisa Steh
rPolitical Scientist's
Strategy & Impact
Xueqian Che
nCorporate Advisor
PR & Marketing
  •   The CI is developing Anja Dannenmann as part of her bachelor's thesis at the University of Braunschweig.
Anja Dannemann
Designer G
raphic Design
  •   International Degrowth Conference in Leipzig.
The team of tomorrow's map at the Degworth Conference 2014 in Leipzig with Florian Jostock, Helmut Wolman, Anja Dannenemann, Peter, Aruna, Lisa Stehr, Benedikt Roth and Michael Vesely.
The team of tomorrow's map at the Degworth Conference 2014 in Leipzig with Florian Jostock, Helmut Wolman, Anja Dannenemann, Peter, Aruna, Lisa Stehr, Benedikt Roth and Michael Vesely (from left to right).
  • 2015: Various grants from the Federal Ministry of Development and Cooperation. 
  • Dez. 2015: Ideas ³ e.V. 
Markus Kohlhase
slowtec GmbH
Software Development
David Ziegler
slowtec GmbH
Software Development
  •   The professional programming of the map of tomorrow.
  • Daz. 2017:13 cities are already mapped. 

The IT team of tomorrow with on 1 January 2007. April 2019 in Munich, at Transition muc: Back from left: Bennedikt (transition-muc), Florian (kvm), Enno (wechange), Simon L (wechange), Markus (kvm-slowtec), Freddy (interfaces), fron
t from left: Markus (kvm-slowtec), Helmut (kvm), David (kvm), Botho (transition-muc)

Materials for the map of tomorrow

Vision: Magazine from a human world

Informed and inspired by tomorrow: In our blog "News of Tomorrow" you read news and see videos of people with good ideas, initiatives with a lot of courage and companies who are already breaking innovative ground and thus succeeding. From different corners of Germany and the world, we collect the best for social change.