Inspired by the Opening of the Austrian “Transition Weeks 2020” with Rob Hopkins and Helmut Wolman, we want to invite the globale Comunity of Transition to exchange mapping experiences and learn how to map with the Map of Tomorrow.

Recording of the Webinar
Find out more on this Articel:
So far the Map of Tomorrow is mainly used in German speaking countries and Belarus. But in General, it could be used widely for Mapping transformation. In some countries are other tools working nicely but to map global movements or for regions, that do not have a map yet, this can be a good opportunity.
Join our Event
Please write an Email to with your name and organization if you are intrested.
- Welcomming everyone (please write your name and organization in the pad)
- Presentation of the map of tomorrow and how you can use it in print or as an iframe
- Presentation of all participants and their projects in the call
- Networking and sharing stories of Transformation
Video-Conference Room
We are using Zoom: (You can join in via browser, but the installed client has a better quality.)
One tap mobile: +493030806188,,8134509126# ( Meeting ID: 813 450 9126 Find your local number:
We will write an online protocoll in a pad.
Introduction with Rob Hopkins
In this Video-Presentation Rob Hopkins and Helmut Wolman share their thoughts about connecting and interacting transition movements.
Zum Teil der Karte von morgen ab Minute 1:45:00
Map of Transition
The Result of the mapping-project will be visible on the
The Global Transition Network has an own map, just with official Transitiontowns: